
Dear Valued Patient,

Triad Adult and Pediatric Medicine, Inc. offers outpatient medical, nutrition and/or behavioral health visits by your provider by way of telehealth. If you are interested in a telehealth or telephonic visit, ask your provider or our Front Desk staff about it.  

  • Do NOT report to the clinic at the time of your appointment; your appointment will be conducted by phone or video.
    Check that the phone number(s) in your medical record are up-to-date and reflect where you would prefer to receive your provider’s call. You can check and/or update your numbers with our Front Desk staff or on Mychart. staff at your designated health center (numbers listed below)
  • Pediatrics at Wendover 336-272-1050
  • Family Medicine at Arlington 336-333-3348
  • Family Medicine at Eugene 336-355-9920
  • Family Medicine at Northwood 336-355-9696
  • Family Medicine at Elm 336-884-0224
  • Family Medicine at Brentwood 336-355-9722
  • At the time of your appointment, be prepared to receive your provider’s phone call or video visit in a location where you can have privacy and in a quiet environment, if possible. For most, this will be at home. We ask that you have your phone line open for 15 minutes before your appointment time and 30 minutes after your appointment time.
  • Note that a phone call may come through as an “unknown number.”
    If you have any questions or concerns about engaging in telehealth or teletherapy visits, please reach out to your designated health center at the number listed above.