Your support is essential in helping thousands of Guilford County children, adults, and families with limited access to medical care. Every gift enables our staff to provide the quality care needed for patients to achieve optimal health.
Triad Adult and Pediatric Medicine, Inc
Attn: Mrs. Michelle Lewis, CEO
300 W Northwood St.
Greensboro, N.C. 27401
In-Kind gifts may include items that Triad Adult and Pediatric Medicine, Inc. can use in the day-to-day operation of its practices.
For additional information on other ways to give, such as appreciated securities or stocks, real estate, planned gifts or gifts under your will, please contact, Michelle Lewis, Chief Executive Officer at (336) 355-9715.
Companies often match charitable gifts of their employees. If you or your spouse works for an employer offering this benefit, contact your Human Resources Department. Your employer should be able to provide the appropriate method for your use to make a matching gift.
© 2024 Triad Adult & Pediatric Medicine. All Rights Reserved. FTCA Deemed Facility.